Aged and Community Care Program
Clear Solar has recognised the importance of collaborating with this sector to reduce operational costs.
Our population is aging. ABS statistics project the population aged 65 years and above will increase from 2.5 million (2002) to between 6.1- 11.7 million by 2101. As a proportion of Australia’s population this is an increase from 13% to between 29% and 32%.
This trend will not slow down as the Baby Boomer generation enters the retirement chapter. There is well founded speculation that with this emerging population shift we will see a re-engineering of retirement as the social, cultural and socioeconomic makeup of retirees adjusts.

All of this leads to increased pressure on our aged care and retirement living facilities – the level, type and access to care and care provision.
Recognising this Clear Solar has taken a proactive approach, developing customised holistic solutions for aged care facilities, retirement villages or hybrid facilities comprising both. These solutions offer energy generation, consumption reduction, temperature and air quality control and energy measuring and monitoring technologies.