How Akora Solar Can Help
How Akora Solar Can Help
Energy Efficiency Audit
For every school that chooses Akora Solar to install its solar power system a free energy efficiency audit will be available after installation that could save each school even more.
Solar Education Kit
A Solar Education Kit will be available to assist teachers in preparing lessons for their students about the school’s new solar power system.

Environmental DVD
Each school will receive the DVD Power Shift: Energy + Sustainability narrated by Cameron Diaz. This 26 minute DVD contains 5 short stories that detail the world’s current energy consumption habits and the problems and solutions associated with it.
Energy Check List
A book mark is provided to each student containing 10 helpful ideas that students can follow to help them conserve their energy use at home.
Alarm Cable to Secure Solar Panels
All solar panels will be connected by an alarm cable that can be fed into the school’s alarm system. This will secure the solar panels against tampering or theft. The school will need to organise the connection of the cable into their alarm system using their own contractors.
Renewable Energy Certificates
The Federal Government awards Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) to anyone who installs a renewable energy system. The certificates act as a rebate when traded so, by assigning them to Akora Solar, we can supply more solar panels to your school with the same grant money. The means we can provide you with a solution that is the best on the market.